Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good, Evil, and Facebook: The Social Network

                 Today I had the experience  of watching the dialogue filled, twist filled, overly complex, overly perverse, and yet in my opinion, wonderful film that is The Social Network. As a regular user of Facebook, and a person who is always interested in the art form that is film, I was anxious to finally see what this critically  acclaimed movie was all about.
       The movie started with a conversation that i didn't completely understand from the beginning, and went off from there. I noticed the overuse of girls wearing basically nothing but their underwear, curse words, and beer. But this isn't your average stereotypical teen movie. It is filled to the brim with intellectual conversation, Internet script, and the  not so average life of a Harvard student in 2003. I find it interesting that one can now create a legacy big enough to produce a screenplay  half a decade after said legacy was invented. But what also interested me was the casual use of legal terms that I am nearly certain the average human being could not begin to understand (though i guess it is Harvard, isn't it?).

      The shots used for what seemed to be by this film's perspective, average life at the prestigious university that is Harvard, was cluttered with less than prestigious parties, drinking, and drug use that the members of high class society, who thought they knew Harvard, would freak out at the questions this movie brings. I have never been to Harvard. I cannot factually tell you what day to day life is like there, but last time i checked, prestigious colleges who have amazing reputations shouldn't be so filled with perversity.

           Not to say i didn't enjoy it. It is still a great film,  but it also brought to my attention this question: Are people truly good or evil? Sure Hitler was a Fascist who killed millions of human beings, but wasn't he also an artist that loved his mother? Is Mark Zuckerberg a selfish a**hole who stole the original ideas of two other associates, or is he simply one kid in a sea of people, using his knowledge to better himself, and others? If the entirety of the earth is corrupt and evil, and we are all sinners, then what, i ask, defines a so called "good person" ? Perhaps we are all evil people, with certain amount of goodness bestowed upon us. Perhaps Harvard is not the safe private college i once foresaw it as. Or maybe we are good people, who purposely give into the temptation of sin, which changes us, and makes us bad people. Maybe the producers created the screen version of Harvard for more appeal to today's general public. Over all though, it is safe to say The Social Network is a great movie, and if you are over or are 13, you should see it.
        I'll leave the rest of the questions for you to answer :)

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